Tuesday 20 June 2017

Targets for A2

Four targets for my A2 Media Course

Ø  I have experimented what it’s like to work with a group of more than two people and it was easier for the group as a whole. This time round Georgia, Sabrina and I will make a schedule and stick to it with a few extra times to spend on any other stuff that could be due.
Ø  We will try and get feedback from all of our drafts or at least every other draft to see if there are any improvements we can make right away with plenty of time. For the AS course we didn’t get regular feedback, so it was a rush towards the end to improve it all.
Ø  We will make sure we spend an equal amount of time on each task that is set instead of making one piece better and the rest all at a minimum level as last time we focused on making the documents about the main task good and we didn’t focus enough on the actual main task and editing it.

Ø  With there being 3 of us in the group, it means the communication will be a lot easier and messages and times or dates of filming won’t get confused. It allows us to be more organised with our time as we don’t have to worry about other members not turning up. 

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