Friday 23 June 2017

Who am I working with?

I will be working in a group of three that consist of myself, Georgia and Sabrina. Personally, I believe we will work well as a group because we know how each other work and we all help each other to balance out the work. With all of us being well organised, it means the work will be done on time and to a high standard. I believe the only problems we will face is timing and scheduling of when we will meet to film parts during school, as our timetables are reasonably different. Sabrina does D.T. and Geography, along side media, which means she is able to help with designing the institution ident and logo along with the storyboard. Georgia study's Drama and Psychology which will help us when it comes to making the acting look more believable. I study Drama and English alongside Media which means I am able to check through the theoretical side of the subject and make sure it all makes sense and is of a high standard. I am sure, that as a group, we are more than able to create an excellent final piece.

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