Wednesday 26 July 2017

Codes and Conventions of a Comedy Trailer.

Codes and Conventions of a Comedy Trailer.

The colours used in comedy trailers are normally bright or natural light as it is beneficial to the naturalistic style of the genre. Sound is important in any film trailer, especially comedy. Diegetic sound (dialogue) needs to be clear for the audience to hear it and understand the humour. Non-diegetic sound (editied sound you hear) is also important as it is used as an emphasis on some scenes. Comedy camera work is usually naturalistic and shows no character as being better than the other. Comedy films are usually located in bright places. They are frequently filmed in well-known locations where social events are likely to take place. The types of props vary for the different style of comedy the trailer is. In slapstick comedies, props are vital. Any object that is able to cause harm is well known in comedy movie trailers. In most comedy trailers, idiotic people are used in contrast with 'normal' people to emphasise the folly-ness of the character. It is more than likely that the characters created will be above average intelligent as they also tend to be more socially awkward, which makes them unaware of the boundaries with 'normal' people. A common attribute within the characters is sarcasm. 

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