Wednesday 26 July 2017

Codes and Conventions - Action

Codes and Conventions of an Action Film Trailer

Action film trailers will have a fast-moving plot. They will usually contain scenes of violence and it is a film where one or more “heroes” will face a certain amount of challenges that include physical threats, extended fight scenes and frantic chases. Only small events will be shown in the trailer as it doesn’t intend to spoil the film, but instead engage you enough to want to go and watch the film. Typical props will include knives, guns and anything that could commit a crime or hint at a crime. The typical location will be a popular big city. There will be binary oppositions of “goodies” and “baddies”.  The soundtracks you are likely to hear in an action film trailer will be up-beat but on edge nerve racking. The lighting is likely to be dark and mysterious to hint at the genre. 

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