Friday 9 February 2018

Editing Process - First Cut

Here are some images of our editing process so far from editing our first draft.

This top image is closer to the beginning of our process. As you can see, there isn't much added sound yet as we were focusing on the order of the footage and the dialogue we already have. We went through all the footage before adding it onto the editing software so we could see if we needed to re-film any parts. We didn't see any major problems that couldn't be fixed when editing.
Once putting it all onto iMovie, we realised that in one of the clips, there is an umbrella that covers the top right corner of the screen and the car engine is too loud and muffled for the dialogue and backing track. This has meant we are having to plan and re-evaluate this part and then re-film to make it better.

We decided to put the footage of 'the suspects' at the beginning to immediately impose enigma codes onto the audience. We decided to add their head-shots after this as an introduction to the characters. Problems we faced at the beginning, was removing the clicks of the camera from the beginning and end of the footage for each of their head-shots. This meant we were left with no choice but to cut the dialogue fine to make sure the clicks were unable to be heard. This proved to be a challenge when it came to time as it required a lot of precision and accuracy.

This image below is further on into the editing process. The change we see is that there is more sound added in and the dialogue is also more detailed. In this image, you are able to see part of the flashback scenes that we used. We chose to use flashbacks as it shows the audience an insight as to what could be going on but it still leaves them questioning. With this scene in particular, we had trouble with the sound of the footage as the day of filming was very windy. This meant that we had to try and turn the clip up so that the dialogue was as clear as we could get it, without it being too loud in comparison to the other clips.

Overall, the filming process went pretty well. Our main issues were with the sound. Some of the footage we have sounded quite muffled but we didn't realise until we put it on to the editing system. To edit, we used iMovie as we feel it enhances a lot of our decisions and is easier to navigate. With using iMovie, it also meant that we were experienced with using this software and we were familiar with all the extras to make it look more like a trailer. Another reason we thought that iMovie was beneficial to us is because it was easily accessible from home meaning that we could do it in our own time. The issues with the sound was overcome by changing the volume of the background noises and then turning up the volume of the background music and the dialogue and then balancing the two to get the best results. Another issue we faced whilst editing, was trying to get all of us available at the same time so we could all share how we would do it and then come to an agreement. 

Within our trailer, we decided to add in a voice over of the main character to act as a narration of whats going on so the audience want to watch, but trying not to give away too much. With this, it meant that me and Georgia had to watch the trailer once we had created the final first cut and record the voice over to try and match the timing of the trailer but still try and have the emotion and conviction in my voice as my character. This was presented to me as a challenge as it took quite a while to match the timing with the trailer and I didn't want it to effect the impact of the rest of the Trailer. 

Despite the trailer taking a lot of attention to detail and time, we feel like it went really well and we were overall happy with the first product we produced. We have noted all things that need to be changed and we are currently in the process of editing said corrections.

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