Monday 5 March 2018

Film Poster Analysis (1)


I have chosen to analyse this film as it is a crime genre film and I believe it will help me when it comes to designing and making my own film poster. In this analysis, I will be testing whether this film poster follows the conventions of a stereotypical poster.

As a poster on a whole, it follows conventions such as: it's eye catching, captivating, there is a
picture as the focal point to lure in the audience, the font is large bold and stands out, the poster clearly defines the genre of crime, it is designed to attract a mass audience, we are told the film is going to be released soon, there is a billing block evidently at the bottom, and we are shown a hint of who the main characters are likely to be.

With this poster, the first thing that catches my eye is the image that has been made the centre of attention on this poster. The image appears to show two male characters holding a gun. This prop helps suggest that the film being advertised is a crime film.

The two main images on this poster reveals that there are six main characters, all of which are men. Along with these images, the names of these six characters are placed at the top of the page. This is a stereotypical convention of a film poster as it is key to most audiences that they are familiar with what actors are in the film. The order of the names usually follows the order in which we see the characters presented on the picture. However, in some cases, the creator place the name of the actor with most following and recognition as they believe it will lure an audience in sooner and easier if they are  more familiar and more in tune with the actors.

Although the text is not placed in the centre of the poster, and it isn’t the biggest thing to be seen on the poster, it is still able to draw in attention. This is due to the fact it has been written in a bold and distinctive font. The spacing between the letters allows it to be spread further across the page which does help when it comes to picking out the title. The title on any poster is vital as it is crucial information for the audience. With this being said, it is good that the title has been made extremely clear. Regarding the colour of the title on the poster, it is quite a key factor to pick out that the title is written in a lighter font just to get a final punch of dominance over the rest of the poster.

At the bottom of this poster, we can clearly see the billing block that has been included to present information to the audience. A billing block is used to sate the names of the production team and directors so that they are given credit too. This could be crucial to some audience members as if they are familiar of previous work from named directors, it’s more likely to make them want to see this film too if they liked the others. Under the billing block, we see ‘coming soon’ displayed which acts as a non-specific indication of when the film is being released. As it is unspecific, the audience are still unaware of the release date so we presume there will be more advertisement soon.

From looking at this poster, it seems to me that the targeted audience would be middle-aged men. This presents itself to be a niche audience. One reason I would say it is aimed at middle-aged men is because that is who I associate crime films with but, from looking at this poster, the fact they are all men of an older age and they look like people men would aspire to be like. On the other hand, it could be argued that a secondary audience could be women too as this is what they could aspire to be with. Maybe they like the idea of men taking charge and committing crimes and will therefore want to see the film. With this in mind, it could now be said that the poster attracts a mass audience as there is more than one social group that is interested in watching this film.

The colours used on this poster are a contributing factor to help make the genre clearly defined. The colours suggest a misty, foggy and dark atmosphere to represent the dark nature of gun crimes we are led to think they will be committing.

In summary, this film poster acts as a good example as it follows many of the stereotypical conventions that have been built together over the years.

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