Monday 5 March 2018

Film Poster Analysis (3)


I have chosen to analyse this film poster as its genre is drama and that is a sub-genre for my coursework. Analysing a drama poster as well as crime posters will help me better the film poster I end up creating for my crime-drama poster.

This film poster follows many of the conventions that have been put in place. For example: eye catching, captivating, there is a picture as the focal point to lure in the audience, the font is large bold and stands out, it is designed to attract a mass audience, there is a billing block evidently at the bottom, and we are shown a hint of who the main characters are likely to be.

The first thing that stands out to me is the image placed at the top centre of the page as the colour has been sharpened to stand out even more. This image acts as an indicator as to who the two main characters are. On any good film poster, there should be an image on the front to make it stick out and more appealing to the audience.

The title text on this poster has been designed well as it clearly stands out from the majority of the rest of the posters aspects. The white font on a dark background allows it to be pinpointed a lot easier. The large size leads it to ‘jump out’ of the page. The text is slightly spread out allowing it to be further across the page, also helping it to stand out. The title on a poster is vital to stand out as it is something that is needed to be remembered.

Under the image, and above the title, the names of the two main characters on the front as shown. In this case, they are placed in the order of popularity to which the creators think will be more beneficial to the viewings of the film. Usually, the names are placed in order of the positioning in the photo. Part of the conventions of a film poster indicates that the name of the main actors involved should be placed on the poster.

At the bottom of this poster, we also see the billing block. This is used to highlight the people involved with the production and direction of the film. This is useful on a film poster as the audience/readers are able to see who has directed it. If the viewer is familiar with their work, it makes them more likely to watch the film, especially if they’ve liked the other films. Also, at the very top of this poster, we see examples of films that the director has also directed and been a part of. This is one of the conventions as similarly to the billing block, it is used to lure the audience in if they are familiar with previous films and have liked them.

From this film poster, it would suggest that a target audience of this film could be teen-twenties as they are the stereotypical audience to films that involve love scenarios. This is the connotations I have been left with from this image. This would appear to be more of a niche audience as it isn’t aimed at a wider social group or community.

In conclusion, it is clear that this poster follows many conventions of a generic film poster. Although it has some conventions missing, it has included the majority of them.

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