Monday 26 March 2018

Filming for 3rd Cut

 From our second draft, we received feedback that one of our scenes had bad audio from where we filmed outside and it was a windy day. We decided that instead of playing around with the sound, we would completely re-film this flashback scene as although it probably took more time, we felt it would be easier and discovered that a re-film would benefit the trailer a lot more.

As you can see, Georgia and Sabrina are operating the camera whilst I am starring in the trailer.

Here are some 'behind the scene' images of the filming process. As you can see from these images, we decided to try these scenes in two different locations. The photo here on the left, shows the two actors (myself and 'Adam') sat in 'Faye's Bedroom' which is actually Georgia's room. This location was the safest option as there was no effect on the sound quality, in fact the acoustics proved to be quite nice. On the right, you can see that we also filmed this scene in an outdoor area. This was also filmed in Georgia's back garden but we will claim it to be some kind of outdoor park or greenery if this is the location we choose to use. The risks we had to take with filming outside again was the wind. To avoid this as much as we could, we tried to wait until the wind had settles down for us to begin the recording.
However, it is likely that we will use the bedroom location as not only does it have better sound, it shows a contrast to our other locations where as we already have a scene that is based outdoors. When filming in the bedroom, we filmed from two different perspectives of the room to show the versatility of camera angles. This will help when it comes to [possibly] editing in this scene as it will allow s to switch angles so we are able to see the important parts of this scene. For this re-shoot, it did mean that we also felt like a re-write of the script was relevant as the first script dialogue for this scene didn't really add much effect to the trailer so we tried to make it more intense between these two characters to confuse the audience as to 'who did it?'. This script re-write will be posted when the third draft of the trailer has been edited together as we don't want it to be spoilt prior to the viewing.

Filming for the third draft was quite a rewarding challenge as it made us realise this is likely to be the last footage we ever record for this trailer as the rest of the feedback was related to the digital aspects that had been added in, not the actual footage. This was a nice feeling as we finally felt like we had a good piece of footage for this scene to add in.
In conclusion, we feel like this process went well and was extremely beneficial to us and the trailer. The next step will be to sit and edit for the third draft.

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