Thursday 15 March 2018

Second Cut Questionnaire Feedback

Here are some of the feedback forms we received. This proved beneficial to us as it allowed us to reflect on improvements maybe we didn't think about and see what they particularly liked about the trailer.

This feedback form was filled out by a teacher so that we could get some feedback that related to the exam board as well as for an audience member. 

We received this feedback form from a member of our media class. This was helpful as it meant they knew what we had to include and how difficult it is, but also provide advice on what they would do differently and how it bettered from the first draft.

This as also from a member of our media class. Again, this was helpful as it meant they knew what we had to include and how difficult it is, but also provide advice on what they would do differently and how it bettered from the first draft.

Again, this was from a member of our class. This also proved beneficial because we sat and watched it with them so we got written and verbal feedback but it also enabled us to see their reaction to the trailer as it was playing. 

This was from a member of our class. This also proved beneficial because we sat and watched it with them so we got written and verbal feedback but it also enabled us to see their reaction to the trailer as it was playing. They knew what we had to include and how difficult it is, but also provide advice on what they would do differently and how it bettered from the first draft.

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