Thursday 27 July 2017

Bridesmaids – Trailer Analysis

Bridesmaids – Trailer Analysis

I chose to analyse the film “bridesmaids” as it is a comedy film. This meaning that it will allow me to understand the conventions I would need to include in my film trailer.

The sound in “Bridesmaids” has an upbeat pace which could represent the humour within the film..  During the lines that are of importance and have a sense of humour behind them, the music is paused to draw the audiences focus onto what they’re saying. 

Furthermore, the synchronous diegetic sound is an extremely important aspect. The puns and jokes allow the audience to laugh a lot as well as the slapstick element.

The lighting in the “bridesmaids” trailer is very light and bright. Even the text colours and backgrounds of directors are bright colours. This is a connotation of the comedy genre. Everything is so light and upbeat.

Camera shots and angles were used effectively. When there was a moment that had a specific intention, it would use a close up shot of the character or the main thing in the scene. When there is a group of characters on screen at one moment, there will be a long shot to fit them all on the screen. The long shot allows audience to see the smaller, but funnier aspects to each character.

The first two characters we see on screen are two female friends who are clearly going to be a main part to the film as they have been shown first. This is a representation of their importance.

Costumes of the characters in this trailer are constantly changing as its only cuts of the funniest parts of the film. The costumes show clearly who is meant to be a main comedy contributor to the film.

Props were used occasionally to show a comedy genre. At one point the female character is downing a bottle of wine. This prop is used to represent the comedy behind the character. One of the characters wears a bandage around her wrist but has nothing wrong with her. This is showing a comedy aspect of the film.

Overall, the trailer would real people into watching the film which is what we want people to feel. I think people will want to watch this film as there wasn’t a part of the trailer that didn’t show successful comedy. If people saw this trailer, they would see the amount of thought behind the process of making the film. 

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