Thursday 27 July 2017

There’s something about Mary – Trailer Analysis

There’s something about Mary – Trailer Analysis

I decided to analyse this movie as it is a romantic comedy. With the comedy side of it, it allows me to see what is included for a comedy trailer.

The first piece of non-diegetic sound we hear is a guitar and piano instrumental that is a stereotypical convention of the romantic genre. The dialogue we hear is either something comedic or something related to romance. The soundtrack changes to a more up-beat song which suggest the light hearted comedy that is included in this film, enhancing the chances of a bigger viewing audience. There is a voiceover that acts as a narration as to what happens in this film, almost a brief synopsis.

The lighting of this movie trailer is very bright and cheerful. This shows the comedic genre and tries to brighten up the audience to act as a representative of how they want the audience to feel. There is quite a smoky shade which shows the romantic style. The light is used effectively to appeal to the audience.

The camera angles are normally a wide shot of the whole set, or a close up of the characters face to show the emotion and expression of the character. The camera angles
are usually framing the women from a low angle shot which normally suggest the person on screen is in a strong position and is viewed highly of. This could be classed as scopophilia as the woman is wearing her underwear. This could be to encourage the male populations to watch this film too. The establishing shot is of a female character standing outside talking to a male character. This shows the typically conventions of a romantic film as it’s the ‘boy meets girl’.

The costumes involved in this trailer show the casual nature of this film, nothing is taken seriously. The romantic theme is shown through some colours that the actors wear like red and pink for the females as these colours stereotypically denote romance.

The props use in this trailer include binoculars. At this specific moment the character was staring through the window at a female character getting changed. This was comedic as it turned out the man looked at an old woman who appeared with rather saggy breasts. It was evident this was a fake costume of some form.

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