Thursday 27 July 2017

Pitch Perfect 2 - Trailer Analysis

Pitch Perfect 2 – Trailer Analysis

I decided to analyse ‘Pitch Perfect 2’ as it is a musical comedy and will therefore have the necessary concepts of a comedy film that is needed. As this film features Rebel Wilson it is presumably going to be funny as most of her films are comedy films.

The non-diegetic sound of the movie trailer is quite upbeat. With it being a musical, the music is quite modern and suitable for their target audience. The diegetic sound of their voices has quite a sarcastic tone, representing the comedic genre.   Towards the end of the trailer there is a clip where the non-diegetic sound turns into quite a slow beat and we are made to focus on the diegetic dialogue at that moment. This is to emphasise the seriousness of the film rather than the whole comedy aspect. The commentator says “oh no she has no underwear on” at one point where she is hanging from the ceiling and has a rip on her costume. This is a comedic line and so the non-diegetic sound was muted to enable viewers to hear the line being delivered. During a clip a male character starts laughing, the non-diegetic sound is muted to show importance, emphasising how funny this film is meant to be.

The lighting in the ‘Pitch Perfect 2’ trailer is bright throughout to represent the upbeat style of the film. The shimmering colours show the characters as not being too serious and relating to the comedy genre. For their performance in the clip, the stage lighting was a hot pink with a white shimmer, this could show the fact that the main cast are all females. Although this is stereotypical it could be true. The colours are also quite happy colours.

The camera shots are varied throughout the movie trailer. It focuses on the main characters for the majority and has some shots of background characters. The angles that are used vary in regards to high or low angles. The first shot we see is framing the main characters with an extreme long shot and a slightly low angle tilt. This represents that they hold the most power showing they are the main characters. The first longest clip is a low angle showing Rebel Wilson dangling from the ceiling. This shot is used to broaden the comedic genre effect.

The mise-en-scene in this movie helps set the genre. The establishing shot of this trailer was a bird-eye view of an American city. The genre is musical comedy, a stereotypical musical is held in America. The areas that we see the characters walking in show a nice state. However the kinesis of the characters shows a comedic genre.

The costumes are used to amplify the significance of the genre. The costumes for one of the performance show Rebel Wilsons character that had ripped the crutch of her costume. As you know what Rebel Wilson looks like it was made funnier by the audience’s reaction. Although you didn’t see the hole, there was still comedy with the proxemics of the audience.

The use of props in one of the clips, ‘Fat Amy’ is swinging at ceiling level, sitting on a piece of thick elastic. This is the main prop within the trailer and it is a major comedy aspect.

I think people will want to go and see this film after watching the film trailer as the comedy genre has been portrayed really well and the kinetics and dialogue of the characters the potential of how funny this film could be. The non-diegetic sound of the music that is played throughout the film is a range of style and years which means it will be appealing to all ages of viewers. 

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